Mr. Basrar, aged around 67 years is a Company Secretary in Practice for more than last 24 years. He is also a Registered Insolvency Professional(IP) with Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India(IBBI). During this period, Mr. Basrar has handled various assignments including Secretarial Audit, issuance of Reconciliation of Shares Capital Audit Report for every quarter as required under Regulation 55 (A) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996, towards reconciliation of the total issued capital and dematerialization of shares, Issuance of half yearly Certificate under Clause 47(c) of the Listing Agreement, Preparation of Board Meeting Minutes, Opinions on routine legal/ secretarial matters and preparation and vetting of Annual Report, compliances under Companies Act, Secretarial Standards and Listing Agreements etc.
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